Residential retreats

ReSource runs residential retreats in partnership with a number of retreat houses around the country – including Scargill in Yorkshire, Lee Abbey in Devon, Foxhill in Cheshire, and Cuddesdon in Oxfordshire.

Typically held over two or three days, each retreat has a particular theme: some are specifically for those in church leadership, and others are open to all. Our focus is always to enable people to engage more deeply with their Christian faith, such that they might be more ‘alive in the Spirit and active in mission’.

We also regularly run retreats for diocesan renewal groups, deaneries and other Christian gatherings. Please be in touch if you have something in mind.

“ReSource were excellent! Biblical depth alongside openness to the Holy Spirit and relevant to ordinary church life and my calling to ministry. Real and Honest. Inspiring and refreshing”

Lichfield Diocesan Renewal Network

Upcoming Events

Individually Guided Retreat at Foxhill, Cheshire 13th - 16th May

Renewing Hope in Smaller Churches - Cuddesdon, Oxfordshire 15th - 17th May

Music and Worship in Smaller Churches - Cuddesdon, Oxfordshire 5th - 6th July

Overflowing with Hope - Lee Abbey, Devon 24th - 30th August